Our stay in Thailand is short. We will be in Bangkok Sunday, January 24 through Thursday, January 28. We are very fortunate to have made a contact through my friend and colleague, David Morrisey, Director of the U.S. International Council on Disabilities (USICD). On Monday, we will be visiting the office of the Disabled Peoples' International Asia-Pacific Region (DPI/AP) where we have the honor of hearing from Ms. Saowalak Thongkuay, Regional Development Officer. She will present on ‘Disability and Poverty in the Asia-Pacific Region. This will be followed by a presentation on ‘ICT, Disability and Development’ by Mr. Sawang Srisom, Assistant Regional Development Officer.
My son is happy knowing there is a pool where we are staying at the Bhimaninn Inn (I love to swim). The online ad also states that guests can stroll along the Chao Praya River pier. The Emerald Buddha Temple; the Grand Palace, Khao Sarn Road, and Banglampu area are within walking distance.
Here's a nice description in the Wall Street Journal of the area where we are staying. It describes a nice 4.5 K walk along the Chao Phraya River and refers Bangkok as the "City of Angles".
FUNDING: United Nations Democracy Fund
16 years ago