Saturday, February 6, 2010

Travelling home to a blizzard

It was a race against mother nature trying to get home last night.  But I made it.  And so did all of the other around the world travellers.  Several found alternate flights closer to their homes but most of us took a flight into Newark, NJ since our original flight to Phila was cancelled. 

Imagine coming from this:

To this:

My driveway

my front yard

In a span of 24 hours and after 5 weeks in tropical weather conditions!

Our flight from Honolulu left on time (11:20).  We had a 4 hour layover in Denver then we were to arrive in Newark at 6:30 p.m.  I reserved a ticket on Amtrack to DC on the last train: 8:23 scheduled to arrive in DC at 11:23 p.m.  However, while in Denver I heard reports that Amtrack closed its routes South of New York and with up to 30 inches of snow now expected in the DC area, would the Metro be running?  would I be able to get a taxi in Silver Spring even if I reached it?  I would have been stranded!

I think my lucky silk scarf given to each of us when we left Nepal by our friend Tek helped us.  A nice tailwind brought us into Newark 40 minutes earlier.  Kara, another student, and I (plus I nice German woman who needed our help) ran to catch an earlier train at 6:43. We made it just seconds before it departed!  This got us into DC at 9:50.  Catherine and Carter braved the severe conditions to drive to the metro to get me.  I could barely get through the snow with my bag and it was cold!!!

But, I made it! and i am happy to be home snuggled with my family to watch the snow fall.


  1. Wow - what incredible luck - glad to hear that you are home. A number of us are stuck in Seattle (nice place to be stuck- but worried about people at home) Hope to get back to DC tomnorrow. Stay warm and cozy.

  2. Yeah, you're home. And you documented the last leg of the journey! Thanks so much for making sure folks could see everything that the students did over the past five weeks--it was a great service for the students, their families, the Center and the university!

